Kali Norris
Hi! I need you for this voice over job.
When can we start?
Find the voice over that you like
Compare prices, demo reels, delivery time, and reviews in order to find a voice over that best suits your needs. If you have a specific question, simply send an enquiry to the voice over.
Supply your brief
Be as detailed as possible so the voice over can provide you with the quality service that you are expecting. Your payment is held secure until you confirm that the service is performed to your satisfaction.
Manage transaction
Exchange files and feedback with the voice over via the built-in conversation and transaction management system. The voice over will deliver service within a specified time frame.
Approve service delivered
Once you are happy with the service performed, you can mark the transaction complete, and we’ll make sure that the voice over gets paid. Help the community by leaving a feedback for the voice over.
Register an account
Creating an account at Voicecloud is simple.
To complete the registration procedure, click the Register button. Fill in your details in the register pop-up window and register as a seller.
Voicecloud will send you an email confirming your account registration.
You are publishing your jobs/voices demos, and you can set your prices for your services. There is a guide video on how to upload your voice demo. When a client is interested in your posted job he will book you.
Withdraw my earnings
15 day’s after the client has accepted your job you have to request a withdrawal through Voicescloud. Enter the amount you want to withdraw, then select the “Withdraw” button. When this is done we will withdraw your income to your paypal account within 2-3 days. Happry earnings!!!
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