Voice over for IVR phone system.
Include the most I'll record your phone message / voicemail / IVR in Argentinian Spanish or Neutral Castilian for $10 per 100 words in as little as 48 hours or less!
Check out my extras below for script review, 24 hour delivery and more!
I will do it:
Deliver your recording in high quality mp3 or waw format
If the message is intended for sales purposes of any kind, you MUST purchase full/commercial rights and rebroadcast it where you plan to use the ad.
Check your personalized budget right now. It will be a pleasure for me to work with you!
Let us begin! information about your voice over job here
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11 months ago
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Send text in word format in neutral Spanish with all the necessary indications to understand the tone and intended intention
If the message is intended for sales purposes of any kind, you MUST purchase full/commercial rights and rebroadcast it where you plan to use the ad.
Job is done or money back