My name is Wilian Freitas and through my voice I give life and identity to ideas, brands and products.
I've been working with voice for over 10 years and 5 of them I'm dedicated to colloquial locution.
Count on me for voiceovers with smiles, energy, joy, sympathy, naturalness...
I understand that 'broadcasting' is not just putting the voice in a text. Talking is giving life! It's true! It's making the listener imagine, want, feel...
When we narrate a text, we must not just speak. The voice that is there, at that moment, has to be true, feeling. I like to convey the feeling that it is a human being who is speaking in the audio of that piece. A human being with characteristics, feelings, fears, joys, sometimes anger, anxiety... Anyway... Giving a voice really goes far beyond speaking.
Let's make sense of your idea?
Equalized, flat...
Job is done or money back