- Language: Cantonese
- Video Narration, IVR, Advertisement, Character dubbing, etc.
- High-quality audio file (dry voice) with Mono/Stereo, 48kHz/44.1kHz, 24 bit/16 bit, WAV/mp3 format.
- Professional recording instrument: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 with home studio.
- FOC for 2 times of revisions (any script amendment needed from clients)
- Turn-Around Time: 2 days
- Live Directed Sessions (if needed): Zoom/Google Meet
- Provide purpose of voice over (eg. video games narration, IVR, etc.)
- Provide platform that the voice will be publish (if any)
- Provide the age of the voice needed (child, senior, teenager, etc)
- List down special request if there is any
Yes, additional charge will be incurred.
Yes, there is no extra charge but clients have to provide music for me.
Yes, additional charge will be incurred.
Job is done or money back